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@summary[Example stack for Zoom Version 2.30]
@Yellow[Example Stack]
This information stack, or simply stack, has been created by Alternative
Technologies to demonstrate the syntax and use of a stack. Also, this file
can serve as a template for stacks that you might want to create. A simple
text editor or word processor is all that is necessary to modify this file
@lightgreen[EXAMPLE.STK] or create a new stack file.
Throughout this stack, the capabilities of Zoom will be demonstrated, along
with information about the use of Zoom.
@Yellow[Stack Creation]
Creating a stack is like writing a book - except that the stack does not
get printed. Usually, a stack is easily created from some pre-existing body
of information, like a document or a manual. Zoom is an ideal medium for
distributing some document in electronic form. Also, Zoom is designed to be
a computerized teaching program.
For Zoom, a body of information is divided into chapters. This is the
Examples chapter. Chapters are, in turn, divided up into slides. This
screen of text is a slide. As you will see, slides can also be created from
other things.
For this example stack, parts of the Zoom Users' Manual has been converted
to this stack format to demonstrate the stack creation.
Zoom has the ability to display text, pictures, @lightcyan[text] @lightmagenta[in] @lightgreen[colors],
and @bgmagenta[text] @bgcyan[in] @bgbrown[back-ground] @bgblack[colors], print @delay[1000] text @delay[1000] in a
@delay[1000] delayed fashion and many other features.
@window[Also, information can be displayed
in pop-up windows, to attract attention
to a particular point]
@window[Pictures are displayed in the PCX
format developed by Zsoft Inc.]
@window[This picture of a map is taken from the PCX
file EXAMPLE4.PCX, as an example.
The picture can be scrolled by holding down the
shift key and pressing the right or down arrow key. ]
@Yellow[Pictures and Text]
Pictures can also be displayed together, with text. In this way Zoom could
serve as an integrated image and text database.
@Yellow[More on Pictures]
Pictures can be scanned in with a scanner such as an Hewlitt-Packard
ScanJet Plus and the pictures can be edited with an editor such as the
Zoft PC Paint Brush.
@Yellow[The Question Slide]
Zoom can also ask a question, wait for the reply and respond in accordance
with the answer. Zoom will not let you go to the next slide until the
question is answered.
@bgbrown[Answer the following question.]
What are your first impressions of Zoom?
@lightmagenta[Type the letter of the phrase corresponding to your answer.]
A) Zoom is dynamite! The best I have seen.
B) Zoom is OK, but the colors are ugly.
C) I can't figure out how to work it!
@Yellow[More on the Question Slide]
If you answered the question, you are allowed to proceed to this slide.
Zoom gives you 3 tries before it tells the correct answer. The answer in
the QUIZ slide is really just a string response, like a name, a number, or
a letter. The QUIZ slide does not (yet) have the ability to process a
complete prose response.
@Yellow[Automatic Paging]
Zoom can also turn the pages automatically at a specified time. This is
done with a simple command. Zoom will turn to the next slide automatically
in 6 seconds.
@bgred[Hypertext] is the ability to link a slide of information to another
slide or set of slides. In this way a user could follow a particular path
of information based on one's interest in the details of a topic. Hypertext
can be used to quickly access a particular set of information embedded in a
large body of information.
There are several ways in which Zoom provides this hypertext ability. In
fact Zoom provides hypertext and hypergraphics in that pictures can be
linked to other pictures and text and vice versa. Zoom makes these hyper
links from one slide to another set of slides by use of the
@lightmagenta[Key Words], the @lightmagenta[Index] and the @lightmagenta[Hot Area].
@slide[example10-TEXT-Key Words-Index-Hot Areas-]
@Yellow[Key Words]
@bgred[Key Words] are important words contained in a slide which are either
mentioned or explained in more detail in another set of slides. Thus while
viewing a slide if one wants more information on a Key Word, one simply
selects this word from under the @bgmagenta[Key Words] menu. The set of
slides associated with this Key Word will be displayed in the next
sequence. To return to the original slide, press the F4 key.
For instance, this slide has three key words: @bgred[Key Words],
@bgred[Index], and @bgred[Hot Areas]. Select one of these words from the
@bgmagenta[Key Words] menu and see how hypertext works. Remember to press
F4 to return to this slide.
The @bgred[Index] is the master list of all the key words in the stack.
Thus at any time, you can view the slides associated with any key word in
the stack.
Select the @bgmagenta[Index] choice under the @bgmagenta[Inquire] menu.
Then select an index word from the @bgmagenta[Index] menu. Again, press F4
to return to this slide.
@slide[example12-TEXT-Select Me,27,17,35,17-]
@Yellow[Hot Areas]
A @bgred[Hot Area] links an area of the screen with a key word and a set of
slides. Hot Areas work with text or pictures. The Hot Area is denoted with
a black and white dashed rectangle surrounding it. If a mouse is available,
a Hot Area is selected by clicking the mouse in the Hot Area. Otherwise if
there is no mouse, press the left or right arrow key until the Hot Area
becomes highlighted.
This sentence contains a Hot Area which you can select to see how Hot
Areas work. As before, pressing F4 will take you back here.
@Yellow[Selected Hot Area]
Congratulations! You have successfully selected the Hot Area.
@Yellow[Word Search]
Zoom can search the information stack for any user-defined words. The
search can be conducted on the entire stack or any combination of the
chapters. By the use of logical operators such as @lightmagenta[AND] and @lightmagenta[OR],
the search can be qualified to retrieve only the most relevant information.
The search feature can be accessed by selecting the @bgmagenta[Search]
choice under the @bgmagenta[Inquire] menu. A menu will appear, listing all
the chapters in the stack. Select the chapters to be searched, or search
@bgmagenta[All] to search the entire stack. Then select @bgmagenta[OK].
Next a window will appear to type the word or words for which to be
searched. If you want to view the slides which mention both @lightred[question]
and @lightred[answer], type:
@lightmagenta[QUESTION AND ANSWER]
After a brief searching, the slides will be displayed.
@Yellow[Executable Slide]
The @bgred[Executable Slide] is not really a slide. Rather it is a way to
make a hyperlink from Zoom to another software package. Thus any function
which Zoom does not do, can be provided as an external program.
The next slide in this sequence is an executable slide. It will run a small
demonstration program, if you have a graphics adaptor and return you to Zoom.
@Yellow[More Executable Slide]
That was the executable slide. For any program, Zoom makes available the
entire computer memory. This is why there is a brief delay before and
after the execution.
@Yellow[Overview of Zoom]
@bgred[Zoom] is a software package that functions as an information
organizer - Zoom sorts, organizes, and retrieves information that is loaded
into the computer.
The information that Zoom uses comes from previously created files, called
information stacks. The information stacks are created and modified
separately using word processing, graphics, and spreadsheet software.
Zoom is a tool designed to help the user access information stacks easily
and in various ways. In order to reach the largest possible audience, Zoom
can interact with the user in either English, French, Spanish (planned), or
Portuguese (planned).
@Yellow[Uses of Zoom]
@bgred[Zoom] can be used as a teaching program and as a reference tool.
The program is visually appealing, presenting information in interesting
ways as either text, pictures, or spreadsheets. When used as a teaching
program, Zoom is capable of creating an interactive medium with the
information stacks. This allows the user to make decisions about how to
access information. Additionally, Zoom will display Quiz Slides, which
test how well the user has retained what is presented in the information
@Yellow[More on Uses of Zoom]
@bgred[Zoom] contains an Index for easy access to any key words that the
user needs information on, which makes Zoom an effective reference tool.
In addition, the user can define his or her own index entries using the
Search option. Simply by typing in the desired topic, Zoom will search
through the information stack and retrieve any information contained in the
stack on that topic.
Zoom was designed with the flexibility to accommodate the beginner as well
as the advanced user. The information stack presentation can be modified
by Zoom as directed by the user. Zoom can take the user through a general
branch of information on a certain topic or through a very detailed
presentation of information on that topic, depending on the needs of the
@chapter[Structure of Zoom]
@Yellow[Overview of Zoom Structure]
This chapter explains the structure of Zoom, or how the program is set up.
Zoom can be thought of as a tree, with many branches of information. There
are four main ways to access information from Zoom, called "modes": the
@bgmagenta[Auto], @bgmagenta[Index], @bgmagenta[Search], and
@bgmagenta[Key Words] modes.
@Yellow[Auto Mode]
In the @bgmagenta[Auto] mode, Zoom takes the user through an information
stack in the order in which that stack was created. Select the
@bggreen[Run] choice from the main menu to start Zoom up in the @bgmagenta[Auto] mode.
@Yellow[The Slide]
A @bgred[Slide] is the basic unit of information in Zoom. A Slide usually
consists of a screen full of graphical or textual information. Thus, a
Slide displays words, pictures, charts, or a combination of these. Slides
can also ask the user a question and wait for the answer (Quiz Slides). If
a Slide is too large to fit on one screen, the user can scroll up, down, or
side to side within the Slide.
On an IBM compatible screen, a Slide usually contains 78 columns (80
columns minus 2 columns for the border) by 21 rows (25 rows minus 4 rows
for menu and border) of text. However, if the scroll bars are utilized,
one Slide can contain an almost infinite amount of text.
Slides usually contain general information on a topic. More detailed
information is contained in the Subslides, which cannot be accessed using
only the Auto mode. If the user needs more information than what is
provided in the Slide, the user can access Subslides through either the
Index, Search, or Key Words modes.
@Yellow[The Chapter]
Sets of Slides are grouped into @bgred[chapters], which function much like
the chapters of a book. A chapter, then, can contain both text and
When the user selects the @bgmagenta[Run] choice from the main menu, Zoom
will proceed automatically through the information stack, beginning with
the first chapter and ending with the last chapter. By proceeding manually
through the information stack, it is possible to view the chapters in any
@Yellow[The Index]
The @bgred[Index] is what makes Zoom a powerful reference tool. The user
accesses the Index through the @bgmagenta[Index] menu choice. Since the
Index is located on both the main menu and the viewing menu under the
@bgmagenta[Inquire] choice, it can be used at any point throughout the
program. The Index mode in Zoom allows the user to access information from
the entire information stack through an Index of key words.
In function, the Index mode is similar to the Search and the Key Words
modes. The user can view both Slides and Subslides using the Index.
@Yellow[The SubSlides]
In the Index mode, the user may view additional information on a topic in
the form of @bgred[Subslides]. Subslides are connected to Slides, which
together form various branches of information. These branches can be very
simple or very complex. The following slide is a simple diagram showing how
Slides and Subslides are linked together to form branches.
@Yellow[Example of Slide Branches]
Main Slides - Auto mode────■
Slide no. 1 Slide no. 2 Slide no. 3 Slide no. 4
Subslide no. 1 Subslide no. 2
Subslide no. 3────■ Subslide no. 4────■ Subslide no. 5
Subslide no. 6
@Chapter[Glossary of Zoom Terms]
@Yellow[Keyboard Commands]
@bgred[F1] displays help about the menu item currently selected.
@bgred[F2] if viewing one or more branches of Slides using either the
Index, Search, Key Words, or Hot Areas modes, the F2 key will take you out
of that branch and back to the main branch.
@bgred[F4] if you have branched more than once, the F4 key will take the
user back to the previous branch.
@bgred[F9] takes you from the viewing menu to the main menu.
@bgred[F10] quits the program. This key will take you immediately to DOS.
@Yellow[More Keyboard Commands]
@bgred[End] takes you to the end of the Index.
@bgred[Esc] The Escape key takes you out of your position in Zoom.
@bgred[Home] brings you to the beginning of the Index.
@bgred[Page Down] lets you move forward, from one page to the next.
@bgred[Page Up] lets you move from the current page to the previous page.
@bgred[Shift, Arrow] to scroll either up, down, or side to side within a
Slide. The user holds down the Shift key and at the same time presses the
arrow key that corresponds to the direction of the desired scroll.
@bgred[Shift, Home] if the Slide has shifted due to using the Shift, Arrow
command, this command will redraw the Slide in its original position. Hold
the Shift key down while pressing the Home key at the same time.
@Yellow[Glossary - Main Menu]
The @bgred[Main menu], located at the top of the screen when the user
starts up Zoom, lists all of the primary commands of Zoom. The diagram
below shows the Main menu.
│ File Help Run Options Chapter Inquire │
@Yellow[Glossary - Viewing Menu]
@bgred[Viewing menu] - Once Zoom is running, this is the menu that will
appear at the top of the screen. It is similar to the main menu, but
contains some different commands (see the diagram below).
│ File Help Next Previous Key Words Inquire │
@Yellow[Glossary - SubMenu]
@bgred[Submenu] - Most of the commands listed on both the main menu and the
viewing menu contain their own submenus. Submenus are additional listings
of commands, like the sample submenu under "File" in the diagram below.
│ File Help Run Options Chapter Inquire │
│ Load │
│ Print │
│ Shell │
│ Quit │
@Yellow[Glossary - Menu Choices]
@bgred[CHAPTER] located on the main menu, this command allows the user
to view chapters in the current information stack.
@bgred[FILE] located on both the main menu and the viewing menu, this
command allows the user to manipulate an information stack file. Located
under the FILE command are the LOAD, PRINT, SHELL, and QUIT commands.
@bgred[HELP] is listed on both the main menu and the viewing menu. The
HELP command provides information on all of the menu commands in Zoom.
@bgred[INDEX] located under INQUIRE on both the main menu and the viewing
menu, this command enables the user to access the Index of the current
stack. An Index to an information stack is a list of main words or
phrases, much like the index of a book. The user can look up a word or
phrase in the stack's Index when he or she wants information about that
@Yellow[Glossary - More Menu Choices]
@bgred[INQUIRE] is both a main menu command and a viewing menu command that
allows the user to access the information stack in various ways. Commands
listed under INQUIRE are: INDEX and SEARCH.
@bgred[KEY WORDS] located on the viewing menu, this command allows the user
to access a branch of Slides directly from the Slide that is currently
@bgred[LOAD] is located under the FILE command on both the main menu as
well as the viewing menu. LOAD allows the user to unload the current
information stack from Zoom and load another stack.
@bgred[NEXT] a viewing menu command that moves the user from one Slide to
the next.
@bgred[PREVIOUS] a viewing menu command that enables the user to move from
the current Slide to the previous one.
@Yellow[Glossary - More Menu Choices]
@bgred[PRINT] located under the FILE command on both the main menu and the
viewing menu, the PRINT command enables the user to print from the current
information stack in Zoom.
@bgred[QUIT] is the final command listed under FILE on both the main menu
and the viewing menu and is selected when the user wishes to exit
Zoom. When QUIT is selected from the viewing menu, this command takes the
user to the main menu. If QUIT is selected from the main menu, the user
will leave Zoom and enter DOS.
@bgred[RUN] a main menu command that allows the user to start up Zoom in
the Auto mode.
@bgred[SEARCH] located under the INQUIRE command on both the main and the
viewing menus, this command allows the user to search the
information stack for any key word or phrase.
@Yellow[Glossary - More Menu Choices]
@bgred[SHELL] listed under the FILE command on the main menu and on the
viewing menu, the SHELL command allows the user to leave Zoom temporarily
and enter DOS. Upon exiting DOS, the user will re-enter Zoom at the same
@bgred[SOUND] allows the user to either add sound to the program or take
sound away. This command is located under the OPTIONS command on the main
@Yellow[Glossary - Operational Terms]
@bgred[Branch] is a series of Slides on the same topic. The Slides are
linked together in a certain order, called a branch, so that the user can
view them.
@bgred[Commands] tell the computer what to do. The commands also signify
what the program is able to do.
@bgred[Cursor] marks the position of the user's mouse on the screen of the
computer. The cursor moves as the user moves the mouse.
@bgred[Executable Slide] brings the user to another program from Zoom.
When the external program is finished, the user exits that program and
re-enters Zoom at the next Slide in the current queue.
@bgred[Highlight] means that the word or phrase appears on the screen in a
different form than usual, such as bold or underlined.
@Yellow[Glossary - More Operational Terms]
@bgred[Hot Area] when a box around an item is highlighted, this is a Hot
Area. The user can access a branch of information on the topic of the
highlighted area by selecting that area.
@bgred[Information stack] the data that Zoom reads and organizes for the
user to view.
@bgred[Message bar] located at the bottom of the screen, the message bar
tells the user what each menu choice does.
@bgred[Queue] refers to the current branch of Slides that the user is
viewing in Zoom.
@bgred[Screen] includes everything that is displayed on the face of the
@Yellow[Glossary - More Operational Terms]
@bgred[Scroll] to move a Slide up, down, or side to side. Scrolling is
accomplished with either the arrow keys or the mouse.
@bgred[Slide] the basic unit of information in Zoom. A Slide is a screen
full of information, either text, pictures, or a combination of both. A
Slide may take up more space than one screen, however, in which case the
user would have to scroll up, down, or side to side to view the entire
@bgred[Subslide] contains more detailed information than a Slide.
Subslides can be viewed using either the Index, Search, or Key Words modes.
@bgred[User] the person who is currently using the software.
@bgred[Window] a box of information that appears on the computer screen.
@Yellow[Glossary - Command Line Parameters]
The @bgred[Command Line Parameters] provide a way to setup Zoom when it is
invoked from the MS-DOS command line. A command line parameter is set at
the DOS prompt in the following manner.
zoom -f example -r -ch2
In the example, zoom is invoked with the @lightgreen[EXAMPLE] stack, and
the sessions is automatically started with chapter 2. Some other parameters
-f <file> - The stack <file> is automatically loaded
-r - Zoom goes directly to the Viewing menu
-ch# - Zoom goes directly to the Viewing menu and begins at
chapter #
-l <Language> - Zoom interacts using either French, Spanish
(planned), Portuguese (planned) or English.
@Yellow[Trademark Acknowledgements]
All terms mentioned in this Guide that are known to be trademarks or
service marks are listed below.
dBASE III is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate.
Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology.
IBM, PC-DOS, PC-AT, PC-XT, and PS/2 are all registered trademarks of
International Business Machines, Inc.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
MultiMate is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate.
PC Paintbrush is a registered trademark of Z-Soft Corporation.
ScanJet Plus is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Corporation.
Wordperfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation.
WordStar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International Corporation.
@Yellow[Computer Software Requirements]
Zoom requires PC/MS-DOS Version 3.0 or higher.
@Yellow[Computer Hardware Requirements]
Zoom is designed to run on IBM PC, XT, AT and PS/2 computers and
compatibles with at least 512 Kilobytes of random access memory (RAM). A
hard disk is highly recommended. If a mouse is installed, Zoom will
recognize it. A color monitor is a plus, but it is not required. If the
information consists of only text, then there are no additional hardware
requirements. If the information consists of text and pictures, a graphics
adapter is required.
Zoom supports Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA and compatible graphics adapters.